05 November 2007

Kicking The Habit

Hasn't time just flown by this year? It's hard to believe we've finished October and already are a week into the month of November. Before we know it Thanksgiving will be here, with Christmas following only a few scant weeks after. And soon, we'll be turning the page on yet another year.

Whether we like it or not, it's almost time to begin thinking of our New Years resolutions. You remember, those goals we resolve to act on with good intentions and determination throughout the course of the upcoming year? I guess I just happen to be a believer that setting goals are a healthy way of directing your effort, whether to ultimately achieve a desired result or to at least persuade you to move in the right direction necessary. And, if we realize it or not, they can also provide a strong motivational influence for others to do the same themselves.

One of my earlier 2007 resolutions, aside from completing my two marathon goals (Grandmas Marathon and Des Moines Marathon) or finally finishing that basement remodel my wife has been waiting patiently for, was to lose a little weight and tone up my build some. I know doing this will ultimately benefit not only my running, but could also give me just a bit more endurance when my kids engage me in their marathon wrestling and roughhousing sessions. Ah, to have the upper hand for once - LOL. Now, I haven't achieved all of the goals I'd intended for this year, but this particular one I've made some fairly good progress on throughout the summer months. Likely because I don't mind running frequently in hotter weather. But with winter coming up, I need to readdress this goal so I don't fall back to where I'd been before. And hearing recently how a few of my friends from Runner's Lounge have taken on a holiday weight loss goal for themselves, I must admit I'm feeling the motivational influence.

You see, if I really want to kick this weight loss/toning up idea thing into gear, especially with my winter running season drawing near, I need to get serious. And I know of one way to face this seriously ... I need to quit my soda drinking habit. That's right folks, I'm going sans soda (yes, us Minnesotans like to refer to pop as soda - grin). Alright, you might chuckle a little when you first hear that simple declaration, but it really is a big deal to me. And possibly it should be for you, too. Not only is soda found to be high in calories, but there are many abnormal health effects sugar and caffeine can have on your body, such as dehydration, calcium reduction, and body metabolism interference. I just figure my daily intake of Mt. Dew has truly become a vice, and is obviously not helping me with my intentions of better health. It's time I make a resolution to assist an earlier resolution. It's time to make a difference in my life … for the better.

Here's how it goes: my initial goal here is to voluntarily remove soda from my diet completely for one full week beginning tomorrow. If I can successfully complete this, my guess is I will no longer have the caffeine cravings to continue the habit. Simple, right? Hey, I know nothing is ever that effortless, but I'm planning on giving it my best shot.

Check back this week to see how it goes … and stay tuned as I begin to discuss and shape my running goals for the 2008 season.

Photo by Tripcart

1 comment:

Tina Griffin said...

Hey....good for you for dropping the Mt. Dew habit. Today is my first day with out Mt. Dew again. I'll let you know how I'm doing tomorrow ;o)