21 December 2007

Santa's L'il Helper

Though I wish I had the gift of a little extra time to whip up a seasonal blog for my readers, I am finding I'm just too busy for a full-fledged entry at the moment. I'm currently finishing up a dozen work emails, wrapping a few last-minute gifts, preparing for our Christmas celebration with family in Illinois this weekend, three french hens, two turtle doves ... you get the picture. Though the next couple of days will be spent on hiatus eating Christmas goodies, catching up with friends and relatives, and traveling through the beautiful snowy countrysides of the Midwest, my thoughts will also be with you all.

However, before embarking on this journey I wanted to pass along a whimsical article about the magic and tradition of Christmas by Kristin Armstrong over at Runner's World. It really made me smile and chuckle as I read it this morning. It seems her son learned who really eats those cookies we leave for Santa. It also brought me to the realization that my time is ultimately coming ... you see, my kids are 3 and 5 yrs. I believe my intuitive daughter is already beginning to have an idea in mind, uff-da. Thanks for the advice by example, Kristin!

I'll hopefully catch up with you in a couple of days. I have some restful time off from work planned for next week and I intend to spend it by playing outside in the snow with my kids, planning a birthday celebration for my dreamy wife (Jan 1st!), and finishing up a well-intentioned blog on my New Year resolutions.

Until then, God bless and safe travels if you are out and about. And if you have a few extra moments to spare, run hard & run long.

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