09 June 2008

Monday Run-Down

Looking at the date of my last post, it has been a while hasn't it? My apologies, folks. It's an understatement to say so much has been going on lately, and I've realized my time with blogging has ultimately been the item to suffer the most. Not to worry...I am back and will do my utmost best to bring everyone up to speed on everyday life, training, and racing events. Thanks to those who were thinking of me and urging me to return to my pursuit here. :)

The following is a brief run-down of a few happenings from the past couple weeks of absence...
  • The Iowa Games Adventure Race was held yesterday, and in spite of numerous thunderstorms continuously blanketing the Boone event area, it was awesome! We raced hard for over six hours straight and managed to place 2nd in our four-person male category, 10th out of 41 teams overall. Just want to go on record saying I'm very proud of the guys on the team as we all persevered through a variety of obstacles, including a three-legged race up a ski mountain, two hours of slogging through horrendously muddy single-track mountain bike trails, canoeing & portaging with our bikes lashed to our canoe thwarts, orienteering through local parks and back roads, and several mystery team challenges. Of course, we also had our fair share of issues to contend with along the way...a couple of which being a broken chain and the critical loss of brakes on two of our bikes. Definitely a day to remember for each of us. Race report to come shortly...

  • I managed to also complete the Dam-to-Dam 20K (BTW, now officially considered the largest 20K in the U.S.) on May 31st. I say "managed" only because it didn't go as well as I had planned. Though everything was great for the early morning start atop the Saylorville Dam, mid-way through the race I began experiencing a headache along with a loss of energy...maybe it was something I ate or drank. I'd been gunning for a time around 1:45, but ended with 1:56. Oh well, we'll set that PR next year. I hope to have a race report also for this, sometime soon...

  • We ended up taking the family camping the same weekend as the Dam-to-Dam race, which made getting to the starting line a bit challenging, but was well worth the opportunity to relax with the kids and other family members who had joined in on our little outdoor adventure. We even took the time to roast a s'more or two...yummy.

  • Grandmas Marathon is right around the corner...June 21st! I am really looking forward to this race again, as I do most every year I run it. Not only are the crowds warm and generous, but the Lake Superior scenery is absolutely incredible! I am a little sad, though, as I will be missing the ITU Hy-Vee World Cup Triathlon, held in Des Moines that weekend and a chance to volunteer with some family and friends. Hopefully, they'll be able to snag me an official t-shirt or something.

  • Race planning for the Des Moines Capital Pursuit 10-Mile is still underway. We just okayed our 2008 graphics and are getting ready to produce the race brochure. Though the race isn't until late September, so much is yet to be done.

  • Hmm, what else has been going on? Well, let's see…oh yeah, my basement flooded. Alright, not the ENTIRE basement (thankfully), but it was a sizable portion that included a bedroom and closet. (Note: in case you hadn't heard, the central plains states have been getting pounded by storms for the past week or two straight...so if you're visiting Iowa, be sure to bring a canoe and your own lifejacket.) It just so happens a portion of this rain found it's way down through an egress window of ours. I've managed to dry out the space, but have yet to tear into the wall to look for signs of permanent damage. {sigh} Just another item for the honey-do list, eh?

  • Though it has been a BUSY past couple of weeks, it's also been very introspective and rewarding. During my recent Dam-to-Dam experience, I noticed someone running in front of me with a shirt that said it all..."Phillipians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." In spite of all life's challenges, the occasional pain or discomfort, the everyday trials and tribulations, I have this comfort knowing God is in control. That's something really neat about God. He places you in the situations where you are able to grow. And even when you think you can't handle it, He's there to help you through it.


Jon said...

Good to hear what's been going on. Love the race picture. You guys look muddy ... but satisfied!

Topher said...

I tagged you on my blog. Enjoy!