30 June 2008

Monday Run-Down

As my recent Grandmas Marathon post explained, I'm finally back to a somewhat normal summer schedule. Of course, I'd much rather be camping next to a roaring river than sitting at my desk job, but you gotta pay the bills somehow.

Here's what's been going on in my corner of the world lately:
  • My basement is finally dry, though the yet-to-be-cleaned carpet still resides in the garage and gaping holes in my drywall still echo my search for any internal-wall damage. I do have a new roll of carpet padding waiting to be installed, however I've been holding off since hearing of the possibilities of FEMA flood disaster assistance here in our county. We completed their application online and had an adjuster come over the day we arrived back from vacation. Now, we are sort of in a holding pattern waiting to see what financial help they may have to offer before taking on the hardship cost ourselves. Hopefully we'll know this week.

  • This year's Grandma's Marathon, as well as both the Dam-to-Dam 20K and IA Games Adventure races, are now over. The only races I have yet to look forward to this summer are possibly the Midnight Madness 10K in July, then a reprisal of last year's Project H20 Maffitt Lake 5-Mile Trail Run in early August. But coming down off the adventure race has been a bit tough for me, since I really, REALLY enjoy that sort of endurance stuff. So I am considering signing up for something adventurous again before fall. I've been thinking either the Hartman Eco-Tri or GAAR adventure race (both held in August)...or possibly both. Not sure yet.

  • Though it is kinda hard to top the northwoods camping in Minnesota we had last week, we've decided it's also too hard to resist the lure of a 4th of July weekend spent under camping the stars while our clothes still smell of campfire smoke. Yeah, we didn't even allow time to for dust to collect on the camper before we made that decision. But, just like my 3- and 5-year olds, I'm sooooo excited about another chance at roasting some yummy s'mores over the fire. I am just left to wonder...is it possible to get wireless laptop reception out at the campgrounds so I can move that office job of mine outdoors? Oh, that would be SO nice!

  • Slowly getting geared up and trained up for my week-long trip into the Colorado mountains next month. I'll be heading out with some good friends from my church to a remote camping site up in the hills near Colorado Springs where we'll spend the vast majority of our time hiking, rope climbing/rappelling, and studying God's word. I had the opportunity to go last year and was just completely overcome with the rugged beauty of the area and quiet seclusion it offered. Not the mention the 4x4 trails we had to tackle for miles just to find our camp site on top of a cliff. Ummm...no busy life, no alarm clocks, no toilet...oh, maybe that's why my wife opted to stay home?

  • Oh my gosh, in looking at my Runner's World calendar here I am noticing that it's only 4 months until the New York Marathon...that's roughly a 16-week training plan away, so time to get busy!

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