18 June 2008

Tagged Again

I was tagged by Topher last week, and haven't been very good about eliciting my response in a timely fashion. Now that the basement is somewhat dry, I thought I'd take a stab at the questions. Those whom I've tagged next can be found further below.

  1. How would I describe my running 10 years ago?

    Hmm, ten years ago I was more interested in chasing around my would-be wife, Laura. That was a lot of running!! (jk, honey) I guess you could say my running is sort of ebb and flow. Some years my running flows (like now), but back ten years ago (1998) I suppose it was only ebbing. I can't say as I've ever had a year where I didn't do at least 3-4 road races, but it sure wasn't one of those marathon years either.

  2. What is your best and worst race experience?

    My best race experience has to be a 36-hour adventure race in Lake of the Ozarks called the Berryman Adventure a few years back. There I raced with a couple of friends through some of the hardest, yet most beautiful, surroundings I'd ever experienced. It was a very challenging course, as well as quite rewarding. Taught me a lot about myself.

    My worst race experience would have to go to last year's Des Moines Marathon. What started as a finely-tuned pace ended as the utter worst I'd ever felt after a race. For some reason, everything came apart that day. Come to find out, I had finished the race with a severe case of strep throat and fever.

  3. What is the best or worst piece of advice you've been given about running?

    Chafing is one of a runner's worst enemies. I know, I've been there. Blisters were a constant issue for me in my early marathons. The best advice, which I still use to this day, is to apply Body Glide (or similar) to the bottoms of your feet and inbetween your toes. (This also helps the guys with chaffling...thanks for that one, Topher!)

  4. Why do you run?

    I suppose the most cliché answer that could ever be is: because I can. But that's the honest truth. I run because God gave me legs, and the desire to use them. Certainly also, I enjoy the challenge, the ability to control my health, the solitude and perspective, the chance to set and achieve goals. And all this costs is a few pairs of running shoes a year...and a stick of Body Glide.

  5. Tell us something surprising about yourself that not many people would know.

    Since childhood, I've always wanted to learn to play the guitar, piano, or harmonica. And not always in that order either.

Okay, I am tagging Jon, Frayed Laces, Nancy, Tina, and Laminator.


Topher said...

Sweet answers, man. I just bought my first stick of Bodyglide a few weeks ago before my recent half-mary. I've been applying to the bottoms of my feet and my "chest parts" and haven't had any problems. Too bad it's so expensive. Maybe I'll have to experiment and try making a homemade version. Or maybe not.

Bill Carter said...

Hi Mike

Thanks for sharing. I could definitely say the same thing about my wife except that I also had to beg her to go out on a date with me when I caught her!

I would love to play an instrument.. just not going to happen with my complete lack of talent....