06 May 2008

Run A Mile Day

Apparently, today marks the very first National "Run A Mile Day". While May is traditionally National Running and Fitness Month, May 6th is the anniversary of the first sub-4 minute mile ran by Sir Roger Bannister fifty years ago. The American Running Association is sponsoring this date to inspirationally urge people to run a mile. Though their website doesn't have a whole lot of information on the virtual event, the goal is to motivate people to commit themselves to increasing their physical activity level through running.

Inspiration for the national "Run A Mile Day" apparently stemmed from an event at a unique elementary school in Dearborn Michigan. In 2005, ARA current President Jeff Harbison and Executive Director Dave Watt agreed to join ARA Youth Fitness Honoree Rhonda Snyder in celebrating Howe School’s 50th anniversary. The weeklong celebration culminated in an event Howe called "50 for the 50th". Over the weeks leading up to the 50th anniversary date, students walked and ran laps on the Howe School track. Each student tallied their laps and made 50 laps the goal. All students participated, especially the cognitively impaired students who had been Rhonda Snyder’s inspiration. ARA's leadership agreed to celebrate with the students by running 50 laps on the 50th. The event has had such a lasting memory for Jeff and Dave that the idea for a scaled down version was hatched; thus a "Run A Mile Day" is urged at schools and communities across the U.S. to do what Howe School established three years ago.

You, too, can join in on this challenge…it's not too late. And remember, you don't have to be fast. Simply get out there and run or walk a mile. Or if you're already a recreational or accomplished runner, consider designating a portion of your run towards this virtual effort.

"Few of us know what we are capable of doing…we have never pushed ourselves hard enough to find out." - Alfred A. Montapert

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