20 November 2008

Winter Blues Rules

As the air chills, the roads get sloshy, and darkness intrudes on your morning and evening runs, you need to retool your routine. But with a little planning, you can maintain your workouts throughout the cold-weather season.


Scout out well-lit, traffic-free routes near your home, office, and kids' activities. Find two or three alternatives near each place so that you have options for different conditions-and a little variety. Find a few indoor options, too. Many health clubs offer winter memberships, and some malls and arenas open their doors to runners after hours.


If you can't find safe options for running in the dark, go out at lunch. At first you might feel sluggish exercising midday, but after two or three runs, you'll feel better. The break from your desk will leave you feeling refreshed and energized. Make sure to have a light snack one to two hours before your run.


Hills build leg and lung power. Find a moderately steep rise, or set the treadmill at a two- to four-percent incline. After a warmup, run up the hill for five to 10 seconds, then walk downhill. Next, run for 10 to 12 seconds, picking up the pace slightly, and take a one-minute walk break. For the last segment, run for 10 to 20 seconds. On each workout, add 15 to 30 seconds of running and a one-minute walk break. Be sure to cool down.


Speedwork can help you make the most out of your limited time. After a warmup, run for 20 seconds at a pace that's slightly faster than usual, then walk for 40 seconds. Do this twice more, picking up your pace slightly each workout.

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