14 October 2007

DSM Marathon Prep Work

I am the type of runner who likes to change up my running routine, often. I mean I just cannot seem to run the same route more than once in a week. Picking a training run is serious business to me. It can't be too short, too flat, too shady, too boring, etc. I want it to give me a sense of accomplishment when I finish it. A few prerequisites I have for choosing a route typically deal with length (usually enough to make me suck wind during and at the conclusion), hills (the more the better, so bring 'em on), and obscurity (unique, off-the-beaten-path types). Alright, you get the picture. So call me particular, but I want a run to inspire me to push myself physically while also stimulating me mentally.

Earlier this summer, I decided to increase my training runs south of Grand Avenue to prepare for a few of the winding, hilly streets I would be encountering during the Des Moines Marathon next weekend. It's a race I want to enjoy, but also finish strong on. In my search for popular training routes, I stumbled upon a great 7+ miler named the Loop of Serious Coin. This unique loop takes runners away from the downtown area and brings them west and south through a meandering route of ups and downs, twists and turns, then deposits them back onto Grand Ave for the return voyage to urbanville. You'd be surprised the route takes you by Terrace Hill, home of Iowa's governor, as well as some of the most affluent yet secluded estates the downtown has to offer.

Although it isn't a particularly long run, the kind I tend to like, it really is refreshing and has become a regular weekly run of mine. Besides, not only does it allow you to run through some beautiful neighborhoods, but it can also punish the calves if you decide to turn up the heat. :)

    "... I want to finish the race I'm running. I want to carry out the mission I received from the Lord Jesus ..." Acts 20:24

Photo by DSM Marathon

1 comment:

Nancy said...

I will gladly share some routes with you. Mine are on favorite run under nkbell. :D

I'm going to check this route out!