18 October 2007

In A Holding Pattern

Well, this week is shaping up to be a challenging prelim to my marathon this weekend. With only three days to go, our household has seen a crazy rash of colds & fever running through it. Fortunately, I've been able to stay healthy so far and am doing my best to not become its next unwilling victim. However, in addition the weather outside has shifted from the sunny and warm days experienced last week, to the windy, chilly, and rainy mix we all knew would eventually come with fall. Sigh...too bad it couldn't have waited just one more week.

Effectually, I have been placed in a holding pattern. Since my run this past Friday, I've had to put the brakes on my final few training workouts. With everything occuring, I guess I'm hoping to persuade illness to stay at bay for a while longer. I just cannot afford the chance of becoming sick so soon before the race. But I want to get outside and R-U-N!

Now, it wouldn't be so bad except that I am used to putting in a run of some length typically every day. And as a constant runner, that absence to my daily routine is very apparent right now. With a 26.2 mile course facing me in only a few days time, it only lends to my overall anxiety at the moment. The Des Moines Marathon has been on my race calendar since early spring, and one I have taken care not to miss. This year will be my fifth participating; four years running, one year bike support. I really enjoy the course that race-director Chris Burch designs, and the local crowd of cheering spectators seem to swell larger with each year they hold it ... a real plus to all us runners. As always, it will be a great race and I'm looking forward to being a part of it yet again.

So I'll admit, though this holding pattern may feel a bit weird, if it gets me to that starting line on Sunday it's well worth it. See you out there!

Photo by FeaturePics


Nancy said...

STAY WELL. I think I am developing a scrathy throat. Oh man.

I've halted mine too, just don't want to get hurt or sick. Hang in there!

Mike said...

Thanks for your well wishes.

No sore throat here, thankfully, but a persistent headache. Hmmm, we just have to hold out a little bit longer... :)

Bob A said...

Hey, Mike -- thanks for the comment on my blog. As I was prepping for my half-marathon, I was concerned about getting sidetracked by a cold. Our son had come to the US for a visit and had a cold. So, I bought a supply of Airborne and drank the concoction every day. There's no way to prove that it worked but I didn't get a cold. Even if it wasn't the Airborne that kept (and is still keeping) me healthy, I figure the extra boost of vitamins and minerals is probably good for me.


Mike said...

Thanks for the suggestion, Bob. I will have to check out that remedy! I hear also vitamin C in 1000-2000mg doses do wonders to boost you immune system as well. Time to crack open the medicine cabinet! :)

Thanks - Mike